Devan Brie's Library

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years Later 9/11 Memorial

Seven Years
I haven’t written this out until now. Guess it took that long for me to be able to express it in writing in a public blog such as this. In August 2000, I went on a vacation to New York City. I stayed at the Bentley Hotel in Manhattan and I had a wonderful time. It was my first time in NYC and I walked all over site-seeing. I took a couple of tours one during the day and another at night. Among the many pictures I took. I took one picture of the Twin Towers.

Soon after I returned home to Detroit I had a disturbing dream. I was in a very tall building with large windows. Inside this building, in the room I was in there were many people milling about. It was a crowd of people so thick I could not see anything but people and over their heads the large windows. I was in this place with my sister, Cat. We were talking about how majestic the building was. Then there was a panic in the crowd of people, they started pushing past me. I turned around to see what they were running from and I saw a plane outside the window. It was coming toward the window. The plane looked like this plane pictured below. (It was not a commercial plane it was a fighter jet). I turned to flee and grabbed my sister’s arm. I thought to myself, “There is no time, we are about to die”. I heard a crashing sound and people screaming and I woke up in a cold sweat.

I wrote about this disturbing dream in my journal and I told a few people about it. I never forgot it, it was vivid and horrific.

One year later, on September 11th, 2001, I woke up and went to work in Novi, MI as usual. I was working as a dispatcher at an underground utility locating company. I was battling a headache, a migraine actually. It was resistant to coffee and medicine. Along with the headache I had a sinking feeling of dread. I began my work day at 7:30AM and the headache seemed to intensify over the next hour.
I contacted one of my field techs on the Nextel to give him an emergency ticket (for a water main break or gas leak) and he asked me if we in the office heard about the World Trade Center. I asked him what about it? He said a plane flew into it and while the new was reporting that another flew into it on live TV. I dropped the Nextel and ran into the bathroom. I feel like vomiting… I didn’t need to hear details. I knew it was horrific and of course I remembered the nightmare I’d had.
I do not call myself psychic and I actually do not believe people should solicit money and ‘tell the future’. The Bible speaks against such activities.
As I watched the memorials ceremonies today I am very solemn and still pray for the families of the victims. I found a site called ‘where were you on 9/11?’ and that prompted me to write this blog.

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