Devan Brie's Library

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday To ME

I am thankful to see this day (and everyday). I am thirty years old. I will not obsess or worry over what this means. I am not an 'old lady' yet ;) I do not have any specific plans for the day. I have been happy to hear from family and friends who are wishing me well and happy I am still on times side of life.

So what does thirty mean to me? Well I'm not in my twenties anymore. I had looked forward to that decade imagining that I'd be young and sexy mover and shaker. I never had any ideas about what thirty would be like. I have decided to be determined not to worry about what people think. I spent too much of my 20s doing this. I would dress and wear my hair according to what people thought. I would not buy certain accessories or clothes because it was so different and it would stand out and the general consensus might be that it is not cute (though I like it). I also have concluded that I must accept myself. Some things about me are not going to change. I have sobered to the idea that I am short. I am 5'3 and not going to get any taller. Yes I always felt my spirit was much taller but the fact remains I am 5'3. Also I have big hair. I must just embrace this instead of pinning all this hair in a ball and the nape of my neck. I also don't know if I'll ever be skinny (or if I even want to be).

I believe I am wiser than I have ever been. I know because I can tell you if I don't know something; and I don't know everything. I also have a thirst for knowledge. I have learned only fools feel they know it all and that there's nothing you can tell them.

Lastly I know that tomorrow is not promised. I know that this story- the ultimate Book of Devan has an ending somewhere- at least the flesh certainly does. So I plan to live life to the fullest. I don't want to be fearful or worrisome; but rather to trust in God and the be present for my life. So I suppose I should end this and get on with living! God Bless you have an awesome day, I plan to! :)

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