Devan Brie's Library

Monday, June 9, 2008


I know I said I'd write daily... and then I stopped. I didn't have anyone from my social sites visit me here as I thought they would. Eh what can I say. Online friendship is not real and then again even with friends who I know both on and off line these last five years have been less friendly. I wonder about this at times. I think it is because I got married five years ago and then soon after marrying got pregnant. My life drastically changed and my associations at the time just didn't keep up with my life events. There were some people who surprised me. I thought they'd remain close no matter what. I mean these were blessed changes not like I'd become a crackhead or anything.

But hey what is is. I have a wonderful family and my husband and children depend on me very much and life goes on. I also wonder is it an age thing? I was 25 five years ago and now I"m tapping on the big 3-0. People ask me what do I want to do to commemorate such a birthday. I have heard of people throwing big parties or going on a trip or a cruise. I don't know what I want. I think in the context of the last couple years and the fact that we just bought a house; I don't need to break the bank to celebrate. But I know I must do 's0mething'. I was thinking of doing somethin fun and 'youthful' to prove to myself I'm not 'old' at 30. But now I'm leaning more towards just trying to secure time and space. I'm imagining 24 hrs of getting away. So I'm thinking of finding a Bed & Breakfast and hoping Hubby can get a Saturday off and we just steal away. In five years we haven't done that. Not since the honeymoon, which was only a weekend (Hubby had just started a new job and couldn't take his 3rd week off work because we got married).

I think the main thing I realize about thirtyish me is that I don't care what people think. I am giving myself permission to do what's right for me and what works for me. I should have titled this rambling because I lost focus of what I had begun to say.... Oh well. People did not visit or comment on this blog so I kind of neglected it. I apologize to the quiet soul who is paying attention. What's your name by the way? LOL Okay I'm going to leave a 'review' of sorts about a writer's group web community I've recently joined. It's been an interesting experience.